How Busy Trainers Make More Money?

Oct 03, 2018

From starting as a personal trainer at age 20, to building a successful personal training business 5 years later, starting off making $200 a month to $20,000 a month, to now working with trainers, coaches and entrepreneurs from around the world, I've learned some very valuable lessons and tools that I'm going to share below.  

One of the most common problems I see is trainers who end up being so booked they either burn out or aren't able to take on any new clients, so what's the solution? 

I've created a guide to six-step evaluation process that will add enormous value for you in creating more freedom, control, time and money in your business.

Let's dig in.  

#1 Make a list of all your current clients you are training.  

To start off make a list of all your current clients you train, then put a star beside your 'High Value' clients, the ones that pay you the most for your services, then list under each of these clients, how much you see them in a week, once, twice, three or maybe five times a week.  Establish an understanding of how much you are earning hourly from these clients and how frequently you see them.  

#2 Create clarity between 'High' and 'Low Value' clients.

The remaining clients will be your 'Low Value' clients, the clients that pay you the least per hour, and that you see the least.  We need to create clarity between both types of clients.  Typically when you look at your list, around one third will be your high value and the remaining will be your low value, think 80/20 rule.  One observation to keep in mind here is that if you look at your total revenue, your high-value clients will make up most likely between 60 to 80% of your total revenue at this point, compared to your low-value clients.  

#3 Group your 'Low Value' clients.

Now look at your list of 'Low Value' clients and asses if you can group them together with others to maximize revenue you earn per hour, try to group then into parter or tripod sessions. This will allow you to further charge fair rates with these clients, but still, maximize more revenue per hour in your pocket.  This can also be applied with 'High Value' clients, but be aware that these clients need attention, so ensure you pair them properly. I'd suggest not to pair a low value with high value together. Keep them separate.

#4 Set A Strict Schedule!

Set a strict schedule and DO NOT BEND!  This is the biggest mistake I find trainers fall into.  They let their clients schedule dictate there own, it must be the other way around to maximize results.  Sit down with a calendar for a week and set your hours the way you want. If you don't want to work split shifts, then don't. If you want to start at 8 am or 1 pm with clients then do so but do not bend. Stick to your plan.  At first, this may feel uncomfortable or selfish, but when you respect your schedule, clients will respect it in return.  If you only want to train 30 hours a week then create a schedule around this. If you want to work with clients only 4 days a week then pre-plan this.  This is a HUGE game changer in creating your schedule that is in your full control.

#5 Create a process for growth.

We look at creating a process for growth so that you never have to turn away a client again at any level.  Let's say your weekly schedule is set for high-value clients for one on one training, and ONLY partner or tripod training for low-value clients.  Your third process is your online training, where you can offer clients who may not want to work with you personally or are unable to afford your prices, but want to work with you, so you establish a third tier system in getting them with your online program.  Then when you really grow big, you can establish a fourth tier system of creating an online course, product or membership platform to hit many clients at once, this is where your business can grow into 6 and 7 figure incomes.  If this is an area you need some support in, CLICK HERE and lets jump on a call. 

#6 Let go of things that no longer serve you.

We move into letting go of things that are not serving you. This is more tailored to an overall approach, your daily habits, how much time you spend on the phone, social media, how much TV you watch each day, where are you wasting precious time. It's looking at what are you doing or holding onto that is sucking precious creative energy from you that could be used towards your clients or growing your business? DO NOT overlook this part, because you'd be shocked at how small things such as not touching your phone for the first hour of your day can do to build your mindset into a response, instead of a reactive mode first thing.  

Take the time to do this evaluation thoroughly to fully understand each of the six steps.  This will be a MASSIVE shift for you in creating more freedom, control and revenue in your business.  Don't let your personal training run wild, grab the rope and harness the power of integrating these six steps to create your ideal 7 day week, where you're crushing it! 


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